
Death benefits

What does my family get if I die?

Death grant

If you die while you're still employed and paying into the scheme, we'll pay a death grant of at least three times your pay.

However, the death grant may be affected if you have any other pensions or deferred pensions in the Local Government Pension Scheme.

You can tell us who you would like the money paying to by filling in a death grant expression of wish form.

If you haven't nominated anyone yet, why not do it now? Just download the form, fill it in, sign it and send it to us.

Pensions for partners

We automatically pay pensions for a surviving husband, wife or civil partner on your death.

But what about a partner you live with but aren't married to or in a civil partnership with?

  • You don't need to nominate your partner, but we recommend that you do it anyway because it often makes things simpler (for us and them) if they need to claim.

Are my partner and I eligible?

You’ll be eligible if, all the following were true for a continious period of at least two years on the date of your death.

  • You have been able to marry or form a civil partnership with your partner
  • You have lived together as if you were husband and wife or civil partners
  • Neither of you have been living with someone else as if you were husband and wife or civil partners, and
  • Your financial affairs have been interdependent (or your nominated partner has been financially dependent upon you).

Click here to download a nomination form to tell us about your eligible partner.

Pensions for children

If you leave any eligible children on your death they get a pension too.

Definition of a child

  • they are under age 18 or ;
  • are over age 18 but under 23 and in full time education or vocational training and have been since they were 18 or ;
  • are over age 18 and have been physically or mentally impaired since before age 18. (By physically or mentally impaired we mean that an Independent Registered Medical Practitioner believes that due to the child's physical or mental impairment there is no possibility of them being able to engage in gainful employment).