
Get an estimate

How do I get an estimate?

If your retirement date is imminent (within the next 6 months) please contact your employer and ask them to request an estimate of benefits for you. They will be able to provide us with the accurate pay figures we need to calculate your pension benefits.

If your retirement date not imminent (not within the next 6 months), please refer to your latest Pension Statement for details of your projected pension benefits.

This year’s Pension Statement will show what your benefits will be if you decide to draw your pension at age 55 (or your current age if you are already over age 55), 60, 65 & at state pension age.

If you haven’t yet received your Pension Statement for this year yet

We have started to send out this year’s Pension Statements. If you haven’t received your statement by the end of August please give us a ring so that we can look at what has happened.