This document sets out West Yorkshire Pension Fund’s policy on Data Protection in relating to the proper management of personal data.
West Yorkshire Pension Fund complies with the Data Protection Act 2018.
The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council is registered as the Data Controller for WYPF.
WYPF will hold the minimum personal data necessary to enable it to perform its functions. Every effort will be made to ensure that information is accurate and up to date and that inaccuracies are corrected without unnecessary delay.
Personal data will be accurate in respect of matters of fact. Opinions will be carefully and professionally expressed.
WYPF will respond to and assist every request for access to data from members or beneficiaries of WYPF.
WYPF reserves the right to charge for access to personal data. Requests for access should be directed to the Data Protection Compliance Officer.
WYPF is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use information for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds solely for these purposes.
WYPF also participates in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) exercise by passing pension information to the Audit Commission. The NFI is the Audit Commission's data exercise designed to help detect fraud from the public purse.
Additionally WYPF may respond to requests for personal information from other public bodies e.g HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in connection with their Statutory duties.
WYPF may pass certain details to a third party to help them in carrying out an administrative or statutory function of the Fund, for example, the Actuary to carry out a valuation of the Fund or to the Fund's AVC provider. WYPF may also pass certain details to a third party, e.g. Club Together, for marketing purposes; members are given the opportunity to opt out of direct marketing from third parties.
Personal data will be kept in an appropriately controlled and secure environment.
Members or former members of the Fund who wish to access their personal data should write to the address below.
Data Protection Compliance Officer
P O Box 67
Alternatively you can send an email to: