
Benefits claim

Early payment of deferred benefits

You can choose to take your deferred benefits early from the age of 55. If you become ill you may be able to access them before this age, read more about this here. Your deferred benefits statement now tells you what your benefits will be if you decide to take your pension at:

  • age 55 (or your current age if you’re already over age 55)
  • age 60
  • age 65, and
  • state pension age.

Waiting for a deferred retirement quote?

It can take up to three months to receive your deferred retirement quote because of high demand.

You may actually get your deferred benefits statement before your quote arrives and this might give you most of the information you need.

One important thing to remember is that your deferred benefits will be reduced if you take them early. Please refer to your statement for examples of the reductions that will apply in your case.

You’ve received this year’s deferred benefits statement and you’re thinking about taking your pension

Please contact us at least three months before the date you would like to claim your benefits. This will give us time to set everything up.

What if I haven’t received my statement for this year?

You should receive your statement by the end of August. If you don’t, please give us a ring and we’ll make sure you get one as soon as possible.