Employer - Help centre

Employer discretions 

LGPS discretions statement scheme employers

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As an employer in the Local Government Pension Scheme you must, under the scheme’s regulations, make certain decisions about your employees, and make them within set time limits.

You will have to exercise your discretion in some of these decisions, and you must tell us (and your employees who are members of the pension scheme) how you will do this. You must also regularly review your discretion policies and publish any changes you make. The LGPS discretions statement – scheme employers sets out which areas you will have to exercise your discretion in and have a statutory obligation to publish a policy statement for. You can base your policy statement on the wording in this document.

If you have not done already, please send us a copy of your policy statement. If you change your policy statement, you must publish it and send us a copy within one month of the change.

The LGA have a comprehensive guide about discretions that you can see here.