The process to implement Remedy is complicated and requires changes to our administration software. This will take time to do and we are working with our provider to do it as soon as possible.
Not all members are affected by remedy. Members that are eligible to make choices for the remedy period must:
- have been in pensionable service on or before 31 March 2012; and
- had pensionable service between 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022; and
- not have a gap in service of 5 years or more (known as a disqualifying break).
Pensionable service does not have to have been in the firefighters’ pension scheme, it could also have been in another relevant public service pension scheme i.e. NHS, Teachers or Local Government. You can read more about this in the Remedy FAQs at the bottom of this page.
Active and deferred members
If you are in scope for Remedy you will be able to choose whether you want to receive your former scheme pension or new scheme pension for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022 at the point you retire. This is called Deferred Choice Underpin.
We have to show you a comparison of the two sets of benefits on a Remedial Service Statement (RSS) in your 2025 Annual Benefit Statement.
To read all about the Remedy and to understand if you are in scope please visit the national member FPS website here.
If you log in to My Pension you will see that your pension record currently shows you as being a member of FPS 2015. As soon as we are able to reflect your 'roll-back' position we will update our system.
Pensioner members
If you are in scope for Remedy we will contact you to explain the difference between the two sets of benefits you are entitled to. You should have already received a letter from us setting out the timescales involved.
You do not have to do anything to claim these benefits.
To read all about the Remedy and to understand if you are in scope please visit the national member FPS website here.
The LGA have also produced two videos giving a summary of Remedy which you may find useful. you can watch them here:
Active and deferred members (external link)
Pensioner members (external link)