Frequently Asked Questions

What is MyPension?

MyPension allows secure online access to view your pension record(s) administered by West Yorkshire Pension Fund.

If you're in receipt of a pension that is paid by us, you'll be able to view and print your payslips and P60s.

If you're an active or deferred member, you'll be able to view your basic membership information, service details, and other information about your record. You will also be able to see your annual benefit statements and run estimate calculations (active members only).

There is a series of online forms, which you can complete to request changes to your address, contact details, name, marital status and (if you 're a pensioner) account details.

MyPension Registration

Who can register to access MyPension?

MyPension is only available for Active, Deferred and Pensioner members of schemes administered by WYPF, including West Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Hounslow Pension Funds or one of our Fire and Rescue Authorities.

What do I need to be able to register for access to MyPension?

You will need a unique email address and access to your email account.

Can my partner register using the same email address?

We ask that email addresses are unique. You won't be prevented from registering, however; you will not be able to use the forgotten password facility.

I have more than 1 pension record, do I need a login account for each record?

If all your records are in the same pension fund then no, you only need to register once and you will be able to see all the records we hold for you in that fund through the one account. However, if you have been a member of more than one fund or scheme for example Local Government Pension Scheme and the Firefighters Pension Scheme then you will need separate login accounts for each fund or scheme that you have been a member of.


Having Problems?

Access Denied - why have I not been allowed access to MyPension?

Only Active, Pensioner and Deferred members of schemes we administer can register. If you have received a refund or transferred out you cannot use this service.

I was trying to register and something went wrong, now what?

If you have successfully registered, you should receive an e-mail confirming your activation code. If this doesn't happen, please try again. If you are still having difficulty, call us on 01274 434999.

"the password does not fit the criteria" is being displayed during registration.

Your password must be between 9 and 20 characters long and must contain at least one number, and a mixture of upper and lowercase letters. Please don't use any special characters, e.g.$, % or *.

When trying to access MyPension I am getting a system error / page cannot be found error

The MyPension system does occasionally have downtime so, if you are experiencing difficulties, it is recommended that you retry an hour later, when the system will have been reset.

This page cannot be displayed

Using the back and forward buttons on your browser can cause this error message to be displayed. Instead you should use the buttons built into the page itself. If you are experiencing this problem, completely close your browser and start again.

Activation Codes

I have received my activation code email what do I do now?

Log back in to the service using the username and password you just chose. After answering your security question you will be prompted to
enter your activation code.

I have not received my activation code yet

Please wait for our email for at least 30 minutes. If after that time you have not received it, check your junk/spam folders and if it’s not there try again.

My activation code is not working

You need to type it very carefully making sure there are no trailing white spaces. We recommend using copy and paste. Only the letter O is used in any activation codes, we do not use zeros. If you get an error during activation please wait 15 minutes before trying again, do not click on anything else in that 15 minutes.

Logging In

What is my Login Name?

You chose your Login Name when you first registered to use MyPension. If you have forgotten your user name, please request a reminder using the Forgotten your User Details? Option at the sign in page.

I have forgotten my password, what do I do?

Please use the password reset option on the Login Page. You will be prompted for your Login Name and your email address. A new password will be emailed to you. You need to login and then change your password to something you will remember. Please note this will only work if you have used a unique email address. If you have used an email address which someone else in your household uses as well then please get in touch us.

I think I have locked my account

You are allowed 3 attempts to login before your account will be locked. Your account will be automatically unlocked in 30 minutes so you can try again.

I tried to change my password but I got an error Unable to locate a single contact for the email address.

This is because the email address you have used to register is not unique. Another member has registered with the same email address. The password reset facility will not work for you so you need to contact us on 01274 434999 and ask us to reset your password for you.

Logging Out

Will the system automatically log me out?

Your session will time out if left unattended for more than 60 minutes. To sign out click on the log out option on the top menu bar and wait for the message, You have successfully logged off, before closing your browser.


Where can I keep up to date with pension news?

Visit our website

Who has access to my data?

Through MyPension only you can access your data by logging in. It is very important that you keep your login details safe and secure. If you think someone has got hold of your login details please change your password immediately and notify us on 01274 434999.

How long will my 'MyPension' account remain active for?

Providing you access your account at least once a year your account will remain active. If you do not login to your account for over 18 months your login will be disabled and you will have to go through the registration process again.

How often is new information published on MyPension?

MyPension is updated whenever a change is made to your pension record. For example, when payroll runs, when benefit statements are produced, if you request a change of bank, address or contact details. Your MyPension record will be updated as soon as we have dealt with the request you submitted.

What do the green ticks and crosses mean on my record?

The ticks indicate that the data shown has been checked and verified as correct to the best of our knowledge. If you see a green cross it means that the data has been input but needs to be checked.

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